노트북에 Nik Collection을 깔려고 홈페이지에 들어갔다가 발견.
Suggested Workflow
What is the recommended workflow when using the Nik Collection?
The recommended workflow for the Nik Collection is as follows:
1. If desired, apply Raw Presharpener using Sharpener Pro 3.
2. Apply noise reduction using Dfine 2.
3. Control color and light using Viveza 2.
4. Apply filter enhancements using Color Efex Pro 4.
5. Convert to black and white using Silver Efex Pro 2.
6. Apply output sharpening using Sharpener Pro 3.
Note: Analog Efex Pro 2 can be utilized at any point after Dfine 2. HDR Efex Pro 2 is best used immediately after Dfine 2.
If you would like to learn more about the products and how to use them, there are online learning resources available. Please click to view our training videos.
난 라이트룸에서 거의 모든 작업을 했었고, Nik Collection은 그 이후 포토샵에서 보정해야할 일이 있을 때만 사용했었다.
보통은 Dfine 2만 썼었음. 나머지는 어쩌다 한번씩 Color Efex Pro 4를 써보는 정도?
어쨌든 권장하는 순서라니까 저장.
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